Going horse riding used to be a more exclusive activity reserved for rich people. Today, this sport has become more accessible and affordable for average Joes and Janes. Riding stables have sprouted up in almost every neighborhood and online booking sites make booking horse riding as easy as booking a trip to the movies. But before you jump on the back of a horse and gallop off into the sunset, you’ll need to know what kind of gear you need to protect yourself while horse riding. Whether you’re a first-time rider or an experienced one, read on for everything you need to know about equestrian safety before you hit the trails or stables with your new horse friend…

Helmet and Saddle Pants

The first two pieces of safety equipment you’ll need are a helmet and a pair of saddle pants. A helmet is your best defense against head injuries, especially if your horse bucks, kicks, or rears. You can buy helmets at your local riding store, or even order a custom-made one online.Saddle pants are made of thick material and protect your legs from the stirrups. You can buy them at your local tack store or online. You’ll also want a pair of gloves or mitts for protecting your hands from the reins.

Gloves or Mitts

Horse riding gloves or mitts are a must if you plan on riding with a spur. A spur is a metal device used to urge a horse to move faster by jabbing them in the sides. The spur can cause serious injuries if it hits the wrong part of your body. You can find a variety of gloves and mitts online, but make sure they are made for riding. If you’re inexperienced, you can also ask your riding instructor or friend what they recommend.

Show Coat and Saddle Socks

A show coat and a pair of saddle socks are two other pieces of horse riding attire you need to protect your clothes. A show coat is made of thick material to protect your clothes from dirt and mud. A pair of matching socks, on the other hand, can be used to protect your shoes from mud and dirt.If you’re not planning on wearing any show clothes, you can also skip these items.

Other Items to Consider

- Horse boots or horse shoes: Horse boots protect your horse’s hooves from getting caught in obstacles on the trail, and horse shoes protect your horse’s hooves from getting caught in metal objects on the trail or in the stables. They’re not necessary, but they can be helpful if you ride in muddy conditions.- Horse blanket: A horse blanket keeps your horse nice and warm during cold weather. It also protects their legs from the stirrups.- Hoof pick: A hoof pick can be used to clean mud and dirt from your horse’s hooves. It’s important to clean the hooves of your horse to prevent hoof diseases.- Horse grooming brush: A horse grooming brush can be used to clean your horse’s coat. It’s important to clean your horse’s coat regularly to remove dirt and mud.- Horse grooming curry comb: A horse grooming curry comb is used to clean out your horse’s mane and tail. It’s important to clean your horse’s hair regularly to prevent hair dryness and breakage.- Horse grooming brush: A horse grooming brush can be used to clean out your horse’s hooves.

Final Words

Horse riding has been a popular pastime for many years now. As technology continues to evolve, so does the way we ride. The first rule of horse riding is to get a riding instructor who can help you get started. With the right gear and knowledge, you can experience the joys of horse riding for yourself.