When it comes to bridles, there are many options on the market. However, not all bridle types are suitable for beginners. Instead, you should select a type that best suits your experience level and horse’s needs. As a new rider, it’s important to select a bridle that will help you get the most out of your time spent riding. This will help you progress as a horseperson and enable you to fully appreciate the beauty and power of these beautiful animals.A bit is a piece of equipment used by a rider to control a horse. The bit is usually attached to the horse’s bridle so the rider can apply pressure with their hands to encourage the horse to comply with their requests. There are different types of bit with different functions and purposes depending on the type of horse you ride and their temperament. If you’re just getting started as a rider and would like to know which type of bridle is best for you and your horse we have outlined a few examples below so you can make the right choice for you and your horse.

Single-Reining Bit

A single-reining bit is a bit that is used when a horse is being taught reining (a type of riding where the rider uses their legs to steer the horse). This bit has a long nose that is placed further back in the horse’s mouth compared to a typical curb bit. This means that the bit has less direct influence on the horse’s poll and neck muscles, which is ideal for reining.Single-reining bit.jpg

Cattle Bit

A cattle bit is used when a horse is ridden for large animals (such as cattle). This bit is large and bulky and is often made out of metal. The bit is also thicker than a normal bit, making it ideal for use with large, strong and unruly animals.Cattle bit.jpg

Copenhagen Bit

A cophane bit is a type of hackney bit that is designed to calm and quiet a horse that is being ridden in a hackney (horse and rider on one lead). The cophane bit has a ring of metal attached to the mouthpiece of the bit, which is designed to ring when the horse moves its head too quickly and begins to panic.Cophane bit.jpg

Snaffle Bit

A snaffle bit is a type of bit that is used when a horse is being ridden in a formal or informal riding position. It has a long mouthpiece that curves into a ring at one end. Snaffle bit.jpg

Demi-Reining Bit

A demi-reining bit is used when a horse is being ridden in a hackney (horse and rider on one lead). The bit is designed in such a way that when the horse begins to panic, the bit is removed from the horse’s mouth.Demi-reining bit.jpg


Bridles are essential pieces of equipment when you ride. Some types of bit are more suitable for beginner riders than others. The correct type of bit will enable you to learn and practice the correct way to communicate with your horse and encourage them to perform at their best.