For kids, horse riding can be a transformative experience. Riding a horse is not only about physical exercise but also about gaining confidence. Children can learn about responsibility, teamwork and patience while maintaining a good balance between challenge and enjoyment. Children can also be taught good riding habits that they will carry with them through their lives. Therefore, choosing the right horse riding equipment for children is essential. There are a wide variety of options available when it comes to equestrian equipment for kids. Depending on the child’s current skill level and their future aspirations, parents can choose between many different styles and brands of riding gear for their children. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular options:


A horse’s saddle is what the horse rides in, and it’s the most important piece of horse riding equipment. The type of saddle you choose can dramatically affect your horse’s performance and comfort level. There are three main types of saddle for children: Western, English, and Saddlery.Western-style child’s saddles have a higher pommel and cantle than most other types of saddles. They also have a wide seat and a high back that provides excellent support. This type of saddle is often used for children who are just starting out and will progress to a different type of saddle as their riding skills improve.English-style child’s saddles have a lower pommel, a lower cantle, and a slightly wider seat than Western-style child’s saddles. They are typically the most comfortable choice for younger riders, but they can be used for children of all ages.Saddles for children are usually smaller than adult-sized saddles, and they come in a wide variety of styles and designs. Some are made of lightweight materials that are perfect for younger riders, while others are sturdy and more durable for more advanced riders.

Gel or Air-filled Boots

Air-filled, or “gel” boots are an essential piece of horse riding equipment. They are worn by both the rider and the horse to protect their legs and feet from injury while riding. Air-filled boots are available in a variety of sizes and styles, including open-toed, close-toed, and even waterproof models.Air-filled boots are especially important for children who are just getting started in horse riding. They can help protect young riders from injuries to their legs and feet by absorbing the impact of falls and kicks. They are also great for helping a rider stay balanced on a horse if they suffer from a certain kind of leg injury or condition.

Protective Collar and Breastplate

Protective breastplates are very similar to gel or air-filled boots. They are worn around the neck and protect the rider’s torso from injury when they fall off the horse or when the horse kicks them. A protective breastplate can help protect a rider from serious injuries if they fall off their horse while riding.Breastplates typically have adjustable straps so they can be fitted to the rider and can vary in size and shape. They are important for children who are just beginning to ride because they can help protect them from injury.A protective collar is worn around the horse’s neck and protects the horse from injury when the rider falls off. Collars can vary in size, shape, and materials, and are important for younger riders who are just beginning to ride. They help protect the horse from injury in the event that the rider falls off while riding.

Horse Riding Gloves

Riding gloves are another essential piece of horse riding equipment. They are worn by the rider to protect their hands from injury and make the ride more comfortable. There are many different types of horse riding gloves available, and it’s important to choose the right type to match the rider’s needs, riding style, and safety practices.Most riding gloves are made from a combination of leather, synthetic materials, and rubber. They are available in different designs and materials, so you can choose a pair that best fits your needs and riding style. Horse riding gloves are designed to protect your hands from injury and make your ride more comfortable. They can help reduce the risk of hand injuries such as calluses, corns, blisters, and even burns. Riding gloves are important for beginners who are just getting started and need a little extra protection from the elements.


Equestrian gear for kids is essential for helping children learn to ride correctly and safely. It can also help children stay active and develop healthy habits for life. There are many different types of horse riding equipment for children, and it’s important to choose the right piece of equipment for your child.There are three main types of child’s riding gear: Western-style child’s saddles, English-style child’s saddles, and Saddlery.Protective breastplates are very similar to gel or air-filled boots. The most popular horse riding equipment for children is a Western-style child’s saddle, and the two most popular models are the English-style and Saddlery.Air-filled boots are an essential piece of horse riding equipment for children. They are worn by both the rider and the horse to protect their legs and feet from injury while riding. Horse riding gloves are another essential piece of horse riding equipment for children.